The Best Habit Track­er Apps for Android and iOS

[contentsdisabled] Habits may be second nature to a person, but they can be formed, controlled and even changed. But again, this is easier said than done. That’s why the role of a guide who can closely monitor your progress and provide the motivation you need becomes so important. If you are surprised where to find such a smart motivator that can help you get rid of bad habits and start a new chapter in life. Habit tracker apps give you complete freedom to create a custom routine based on your goal. Once everything is set up perfectly, you can follow its rules by adhering to all necessary points. To keep you informed, apps send you timely reminders and even alerts. With a detailed report, these apps help you track your progress and highlight weaknesses and strengths. There are many apps that provide some form of habit tracking. Most are built around the idea of ​​building a daily streak or not breaking a chain of Xs on a calendar, although some provide a little more nuance by letting you set the number of days a week or month you want to do in the habit. .

Here is the list of the best habit tracking apps for Android and iOS


Productive lets you keep track of all crucial aspects, ensuring you stay informed about your strengths and weaknesses. So you can derive SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) with ease. One of my favorites features of this app is location based reminder which helps a lot to control certain habits. Plus, I also like the motivating stats that keep the adrenaline pumping. Although it is simple in its design, it is full of great features, And the best of all. The app tracks your successes, which means you’ll be able to measure your continuous improvement and stay motivated. Productive also has built-in challenges with pre-determined activities. A fitness challenge might have you running on Tuesday, stretching on Wednesday, and doing some sit-ups on Thursday. when you sign up you are required to sign your name and promise to complete the challenge.


Habitica is a unique way to track habits or what you planned to do. Firstly, the app gamifies the whole thing so that goal tracking doesn’t become a mundane experience. You can create a custom avatar and score each task to unlock lots of goodies like cute pets, sturdy armor, exciting quests and great skills. Habitica is essentially a habit-tracking RPG features integrated. As you complete your habits, you also build up a character’s in-game statistics. This character can join parties, do quests, and get new gear (just like you’d expect in an RPG). The app is not just limited to tracking habits, but with it you can join your friends and complete quests and quests. It’s not just inspired by video games, but it’s a game in itself.

get used to

Whether you want to take control of your daily routine or keep track of your goal, Habitify can meet your needs with ease. The habit tracking app is quite flexible, allowing you to adjust everything to your requirements. For example, you can group habits by time and even their types to make it more convenient to track each one. It is a well-designed app with a simple and attractive interface. Habitify presents a list of your habits for the day and lets you bookmark them as you complete them. Simple but effective. And of course Habitify has the usual sequence tracking and data visualization features you would expect from any good habit tracking app. You can see how you’re doing in general or drill down to any specific habits in the Progress tab.


Strides Habit Tracker is a good all-in-one with everything you’d expect from a great habit tracker and more. This digital habit tracker is pretty standard as far as habit tracking apps are concerned. But there is a nice feature this sets it apart from many similar apps: you have a lot of flexibility in how you track your habits. The app is fast and easy to use, so you can start building great habits right away. If you plan to complete a certain number of tasks by a specific date, the app calculates whether you are on track to complete it on time, allowing you to customize your habits according to your goals. One of the biggest highlights of this app is the super practical sequence calendar that makes it easy to track all your habits. And with an ever-growing library of over 150 predefined templates, designing a goal tracking routine is never a big deal.

This is a best habit tracker app if you are ready to go all-in. As the name suggests, you can work with personal trainers in addition to the standard habit tracker functionality that other apps have. comes with everything you can expect from a quality habit tracking app, with the exclusive extra feature of being able to hire a habit coach or even a leadership coach for extra costs. The hiring of the coach feature, if you can afford it, has the potential to have a radical impact on your goals and productivity. There are two options, leadership coaching and habit coaching, so you can get the training you need.


Sometimes tracking your progress isn’t enough to ensure you stick to your habits. If you want to add some extra “sting”, Beeminder is the app to get. It allows you to put real money on the line; if you fail to make a habit, the app will charge your credit card (and the amount charged will increase each time you fail). Beeminder has some amazing features, such as the ability to import data from dozens of tools and apps like Gmail, Zapier, Duolingo, Fitbit, Twitter, Slack, and more. The app will read these apps to see the progress you’ve made towards the goals you’ve set.


The app is full of features you would expect from a great habit tracker. You can use this app to build good habits and destroy bad ones at your own pace. With a variety of color options, it lets you add a nice personal touch to goal tracking. Plus, you can also jot down your thoughts with each routine so they don’t slip out of your mind. With the app, you can easily track the habits you want to create up, and those you want to slowly eliminate. Unlike many other apps, it features a number of customization options making it suitable for your taste. As it also supports Face ID/Touch ID, no one can access your personal data without your permission. And if you want to share the data with anyone, you can export it in CSV format – which is another plus. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the freemium version of Done allows you to create only three habits. The app’s fun and colorful interface allows you to set and track goals on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. You can also set a goal to do a habit several times a day, which is useful for things like drinking water or stretching.

Final note

I hope you like this list about Best Habit Track­er Apps for Android and iOS. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. In case if you have any queries regards this article, you may contact us.