Guide: Best Techniques to Bring Comments on Your Website

One of the best ways to measure the health of your blog readers is through see how many responses you have for your messages. More comments mean your readers are actively involved in what you have to say. Such a positive engagement between the readers and yourself creates a vibrant community Which supports readers and attracts more visitors on your blog. Not getting the number of responses you would like? Do not worry; it may have nothing to do with the content you are offering. You may be providing quality content and information to readers, but do not stimulate them enough to provide input to your posts. Here are a few ways around involve your readers more before carefully examining your content for possible defects. Complete list after jump. Related posts: Marketing Your Blog How To Run Blogs That INSPIRE Journalism For Blogging Improving Blog Traffic: 5 Must-Have Qualities

1. End with a question

Sometimes readers don’t know what to say. If you post a question about your post, they will get a anchor point what they can talk about. Intuitively speaking, we must place that question correctly at the end of the postIf your reader has read from beginning to end and got to that point, chances are he or she is interested in what you wrote. The reader will be quite motivated to answer your question. One thing to note is that your question should be as general as possibleunless you want to focus the discussion on a specific point. A general question gives more freedom in their commentsso that your readers don’t feel constrained and choose not to comment in the end.

2. Ask for contributions

Another way you can ask for more comments is to have them come contribute to your seemingly incomplete message. This especially applies to messages in which you submit your content in the form of a numbered list (just like this one). Now the trick here is to ask your readers add to the listMake them feel like they are contributing to the article by just giving their opinion. Will be a better way to end your numbered list abruptly so that it appears to readers that you need their help to complete the post. Suppose you end the list at number 9. It seems a bit strange (no pun intended) to stop there, right? So you call on your readers to help you remember that # 10 tip and post it in the comment box.

3. Respond to comments immediately

Basic politeness dictates that when someone gives a certain feedback about their work, they should at least thank them. If your reader has asked you a question, you should answer all the more immediately. This will let your reader feel that his or her comments matter, and that he or she is not talking to himself. If you take too long to respond, the reader may have already forgotten about it and assume that it makes no sense to comment on your blog posts. The problem here is that these comments are addressed to you, So no one but you has to answer before the reader feels ignored.

Reward insightful comments

Simply replying when commented on is not enough; sometimes you need a carrot motivate them to type out what they thinkIt could be any kind of reward: a contest for the best comment posted, prizes for correctly answering a question asked, or perhaps a promise to write the next post based on the most interesting comment. But these are beautiful straight forward and open ways to reward commentators who may come off as ‘trying too hard’ to some readers and put them off. Well, another, perhaps even more effective, way is to use cenjoy our need for social approvalMake your commenters feel special making an illuminating comment is a great incentive. They are rewarded with recognition and attentionA perfect example is that of Facebook’s trademark ‘Like’ buttonOne reason we post all those funny and intriguing statuses is probably because we secretly love our friends to like them. Look around for some plugins that work the same way as the ‘Like’ button for your blog comments.

5. Reduce barriers to comment

Is there anything that could be? annoying your readers from commenting? Do a check yourself and try to post something yourself. Does it run smoothly? Is the comment box also easily noticed when you enter the blog as a visitor? The other thing to keep in mind is whether visitors to your blog need it register or log in before they can reply to your messages. If so, this could be why you’re getting so few responses. Take that extra step register to comment a big letdown for some readers, so they’d rather be silent forever. Make sure you yourself in the shoe of the visitor or reader to know how easy or difficult it is commenting.

6. Respond to posts in the blogging community

If you want people to respond, then set a good example yourself! Comment in your own blog and other blogs with similar topics in the community. Make sure you give well thought out comments pertaining to the topic in question rather than generic one-liner answers (eg “Great Post!”). This is especially true when you are commenting on other blogs and leave a link to your siteYou want to lure readers and bloggers to your blog and not let them see your comment as spam. Giving valuable feedback to a blog post is a lot like doing one advertisement for your blog. If you want to collect more responses, that’s one of the easiest ways improve traffic on your blog. Readers who come across those blogs can see what you’ve commented on and click on your link to view yours. By implication, the author of the blog you commented on may feel obligated to do so return the favor by responding to your messages. This is especially true when your comment really affects him or her.

7. Shake things up Up a little

The last point here has something to do with your content. A discussion arises if there is one common goal to work on (for example, make a suggestion for the latter tip in your numbered list) or when there are any conflicting opinionsI pretty much covered the first in my # 2 tip about asking readers to contribute. As for the latter, all you need to do is make your content a bit controversial or choose one side with a certain opinion of you. A blog is more than a news site where you simply present the facts and leave the readers to their own judgments and thoughts. A blog consists of your opinions also; otherwise, there is little for readers to comment on. These opinions and arguments that you present on your blog should be thought-provoking enough to make your reader respond and respond to it, as if it would defend their own opinions or even beliefs You may feel comfortable with most of your submissions because you don’t want to offend your readers. But sooner or later they can get bored with your lack of opinionsI think the best way is to feel away what your target audience is like, and then customize your content to the level acceptable to most.

Best Techniques to Bring Comments on Your Website: benefits


Final note

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