Guide: Best Tum­blr Short­cuts You Must Know

Tumblr is pretty intuitive. Go to the dashboard and you should be able to figure out what you want to do pretty easily. However, there are many trivial tasks that are a breeze to perform but they take a lot of time once you add things up –Eblogging posts come to mind. Whether you’re browsing Tumblr for cool GIFs or blogging about crazy stuff, it’s time to finally take off up your speed on the platform. But how do you do that? Fortunately, Tumblr features a lot of shortcuts. Let’s start with a few you can use to quickly navigate the dashboard, then check out some handy keyboard shortcuts to help you compose and post even faster.

To scroll down

Using the scroll wheel or trackpad sucks when you move between messages on your dashboard. Instead, press J to move forward one message at a time.

You no longer have to miss out on cool one-liners just because you scroll a little faster.

Role Up

Do you want to go back to a previous post? No problem. Just keep pressing K. until you are there.

And since you are only going back up post by mail, the chances of not finding what you want are pretty slim.

Straight to the top

Tumblr’s endlessly scrolling dashboard can let you reach depths you never thought were possible. When it’s time to get back to the top, don’t even think about wasting time scrolling all the way up Just press the Period key ( ) to let Tumblr automatically do the hard work for you.

Just like a message

How can you not like a post you like? It almost feels wrong to move forward without hitting it heart-shaped icon, but doing that all the time can be a chore. If you feel lazy to move your cursor, just press L. to get done quickly.

And watch your Like flutter across the screen. That never gets old now, right?

View notes or respond

While Tumblr allows you to view comments or reply to messages, after a while it starts to get your nerves if you have to open the notes window every time you want to do that. Just press N.

Once the notes window loads, simply check the messages in it and hit Esc to close it, or enter your own message and press Enter to post and close the panel at the same time.

Visit Blog from a post

Imagine viewing a fantastic post on your dashboard that is so awesome that you just can’t help but visit the blog it’s posted in. But which of the many links around the post can you do that with? Stop wondering and hit Enter to visit the blog immediately.

Share Post

Do you want to share a message with someone? Press S. to Share panel in a flash.

There are millions of cool blogs just waiting to be found. Touch Tab and immediately start searching the Tumblr blogging sphere.

Switch between your own blogs

Switching between your blogs and dashboard can be downright tedious, especially since Tumblr makes it pretty much impossible to figure out where you actually are after a while. Hold if you feel lost Z + Tab (Windows) or Option + Tab (Mac) to open a handy blog selection window, where you can then see where you are and switch directly to another blog.

Are you seeing too many posts from weird blogs on your dashboard? Most of them are great, but some of them look downright awful. Just press F. to follow a recommended blog, or press X never to see it on your dashboard again.

Insta blogging again

Posts waiting to be shared are found almost everywhere. Just press instead of manually going through the mixing stages Shift + R (Windows) or Option + R (Mac) to get it done in an instant.

Add mail to queue

Want to add a message to your queue instead of citing it immediately? Just press Shift + E (Windows) or Option + E (Mac).

Create shortcuts

Start composing

Got an idea that you just can’t afford NOT to blog? No matter how deep you are in your dashboard, just press Z + C bring up your composition toolset right away.

You don’t have to scroll all the way up and ruin your train of thought.

Bold or italic

Certain emphasis words are a must when it comes to writing compelling posts. Consider fat behaviors important words and sentences by highlighting and then using Ctrl + B (Windows) or Cmd + B (Mac) keystrokes.

Or if you want to go the more subtle route, write them in italics with the Ctrl + I (Windows) or Cmd + I (Mac) shortcuts.

Make subheadings

Do you want to create subheads for your posts? Or do you just want to make your posts look bigger? Just mark it words and press Ctrl + Shift + 2 (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + 2 (Mac) to do that.

Smaller text

How about shrinking text? Didn’t you think you could do that? Well you can. After highlighting, press Ctrl + Shift + Hyphen (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + hyphen (Mac) and you are good to go.

Add links to words are a hindrance. More often than not, you accidentally click elsewhere while looking for that link button – that ruins everything. But no longer. Just press Ctrl + K (Windows) or Cmd + K (Mac) to bring up the link box in record time.

Strikethrough text

Yes, you messed up up on a message. But instead of your words frankly, you can always maintain a level of transparency on your blog by using strikethrough. Highlight the words and press Ctrl + Shift + 6 (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + 6 (Mac) to do that.

Ordered or unordered lists

Create a list of items? Simply post them in an organized format with the Ctrl + Shift + 7 (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + 7 (Mac) keyboard shortcuts.

If you don’t want to prioritize the list in any order, just add them in unordered format by pressing Ctrl + Shift + 8 (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + 8 (Mac).

Use Blockquotes

Yes, you can use bold or italic text for emphasis words, but nothing beats a good ‘ol block quote if you really want to get your point across. Just press Ctrl + Shift + 9 (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + 9 (Mac) on a marked set of words to make that happen easily.

Remove formatting

Have you written messages elsewhere? Remove any unwanted formatting from any content you paste. Highlight the message and press Ctrl + Shift + 0 (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + 0 (Mac) to do that.

Pre-formatted text

Post codes on your blog? Then display them as preformatted text without the limitations of your Tumblr theme up Highlight the code and press Ctrl + Shift + X (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + X (Mac) and watch it display up in its own separate box.

Superscripts and subscriptions

Blogging about math, science or finance? Then superscript and subscript should be very useful with equations and what not. Press Ctrl + period (Windows) or Cmd + period (Mac) to create a superscript, or Ctrl + comma (Windows) or Cmd + comma (Mac) to create a subscription.

Insert GIFs and photos

Inserting the odd GIF is easy, but what if you want to repeatedly insert multiple images? Just press Ctrl + Shift + G (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + G (Mac) for easy portability up the GIF selection panel whenever you want.

Static images require a separate shortcut – press Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + P (Mac) to insert photos.

Add videos

Blogging on Tumblr without videos? Blasphemy! Press Ctrl + Shift + V (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + V (Mac) to instantly add URLs and embed codes.

Insert horizontal lines

Horizontal lines provide a convenient way to split long stakes into digestible portions. Press Ctrl + Shift + L (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + L (Mac) to add a line wherever your cursor is in the message.

Worried about people removing you from their dashboard just because your messages are long enough to cover an entire screen? Limit how much of your message is visible at a glance with a Read More link. Just place your cursor where you want it to appear and press Ctrl + Shift + K (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + K (Mac).

Now go Tumblr like a pro

That’s about it. Go ahead and use Tumblr like never before. And if you forget a shortcut, just press Shift +? bring up the list. Yes, that’s another handy shortcut in its own right.

Best Tum­blr Short­cuts You Must Know: benefits

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Final note

I hope you like the guide Best Tum­blr Short­cuts You Must Know. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regards the Best Tum­blr Short­cuts You Must Know, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “Best Tum­blr Short­cuts You Must Know”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide Best Tum­blr Short­cuts You Must Know, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.

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