How to Convert An Ebook Into An Audiobook – Guide

I read a lot of articles and e-books every day, but sometimes I prefer to listen to them. And I always prefer audiobooks to physical books, as they are faster, less strain on the eyes; And most importantly, unlike reading, you can listen to audiobooks anywhere, such as while cooking or traveling, etc. However, many books still do not have an audio version. So I got a new job. Now I convert e-books to audiobooks using text-to-speech tools. And here it is how to convert any eBook to an audiobook on Mac/Windows/Android/iOS. Major publishers are wary of audiobook formats, and not all ebooks change to be fully narrated and available for purchase. Today, we will see some of the methods used on your Android, Blackberry or iPhone that will allow you to convert any e-book into an audiobook. If you have an Android or Blackberry phone, the first thing you need to do is download the FB Reader and Fbreader text to speech plugins. The next step is to download the Ivona Center for a natural sounding American voice or Ivona Amy for the UK. Once everything is installed, open your favorite e-book in Fbreader, open Settings -> Talk +. This will open and launch TTS, but we still need to select Ivona as the engine. This can be done by clicking on ‘Change Language or Voice’ and select ‘Ivona, GBR, Amy’ as the preferred voice.

What is TTS?

TTS stands for text-to-speech and is a speech synthesis application, computer generated simulation of human speech, which converts text on a device into spoken content. It is used on the computer and to allow users to

What are my options for converting my Ebook into an audiobook?

Luckily for you, there’s a lot to choose from. The options provided below will provide applications as well as how to adjust your phone settings to achieve the same effect.

How to convert any iPhone to read the content aloud for you

How to convert any Kindle ebook into an audiobook on your iPhone

How to convert and Ebook into an audiobook on Android devices

How to convert an Ebook on your computer to audio

for Macbooks

For Windows

Final note

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