How to Enable and Test Google Chrome new Dark Mode – Guide

It offers some benefits for Google’s web browser, but mobile users will benefit even more. Using dark mode will extend your phone’s battery life. It’s been confirmed by Google that using a darker UI instead of the bright white one like Facebook’s latest update requires less battery life, especially if you’re using something with an OLED screen, as the black pixels are completely off. Google isn’t the first to jump on the dark mode bandwagon. you will find the feature on macOS, iOS, Android, and coming soon to Windows 11. Whether to extend your device’s battery life or to save your eyes, you should switch to the dark side. Work on Chrome’s official dark mode began after launch. from macOS Mojave, the latest version of macOS that also included support for a dark UI skin. the way the feature was designed was for Chrome to respect the OS light/dark theme, automatically switching between a light and dark theme when the user changed the OS UI theme. Optionally, Google would also allow users to set Chrome to a permanent dark mode regardless of the OS UI background setting in case users prefer this mode over the light version.

Here it is How to enable Chrome’s dark mode on a PC:

Here it is how to activate dark mode on a mobile device:

The “-enable-feature=Dark Mode” which allows Chrome to automatically switch between a light and dark mode depending on the operating system UI light/dark color scheme, is currently not supported on Windows 10.

Final note

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