Guide: How to Encrypt Your Files from Anywhere

The easiest and fastest way to encrypt a file is to create a zip folder and add a password to it. Well, you may have a zip utility on your system, but what if you start working on a completely new system that doesn’t have Winzip or Winrar? You also need to quickly send an important file to someone. In such situations you have to work smart and encrypt the file differently. And that smart way is to do it through a web browser. Encrypt your file everywhere | Shutterstock

Encrypt and password protect files from your web browser

Now, after considering the above scenario, your new system should have a web browser. So we are going to encrypt and password protect the file using a web application called Zipit. This web application encrypts your file and lets you add a password to it. After this, an HTML file is generated. You need to download the encrypted file from the page. But you can only download if you unlock the file with the password. So you first start by uploading the file. After the file has been uploaded, you will be prompted to enter the password.

Then download the .html file. Now, here’s the interesting part. Anyone who has this file and also has the password can unlock the file. Then you just need to send the .html file with the password to the affected person. You can encrypt all documents, files and images. There is no cloud in between. The file is encrypted in the .html file. This is what the page looks like. The file is unlocked when you enter the password. on Android Browser

You can also use in your Android browser. First, let’s take a look at unlocking the .html page on your phone’s browser. If you try to open the .html, you will be given the option to open it via HTMLViewer. The viewer will show the page, but they will not unlock it. You need a real web browser for the page to work. Well, you may not get a web browser in the options. In that case, download this little Android app which gives you the mentioned options.

Your default browser is not listed up in Open with options if it cannot access files on the SD card. Especially if it is Chrome. But in the case of Firefox it is displayed upThis is because Firefox has the necessary access. Below is the screenshot of Chrome and Firefox.

Now if you upload a file on from your Android browser, you will only be given the options to upload images. There is no option for File Manager. And it is a bit buggy. Sometimes it doesn’t even upload anything. However, you can do the unlocking things perfectly on your Android phone


The web app is completely secure and there is no cloud in the middle. You can view the privacy page of the web app. Also let us know what you think. Is this the easiest way to protect and encrypt files? Do you know of other ways for fast encryption in such cases? Let us know.

How to Encrypt Your Files from Anywhere: benefits


Final note

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