Guide: How to Get Better Wireless Signal

Note: This may or may not work for you, but it costs nothing to try. Also note, if your wireless router is working properly, you don’t need to do this. Wireless routers are all delivered through a predefined channel. There are 11 channels. If you find that your wireless signal drops for no reason and / or the connection is spotty at best, even though you’re nearby, the problem could be that your wireless router is using the channel. It may very well be that other wireless routers in your area are using the same channel, or there may be some interference interrupting the transmission. If you change channels, you don’t have to do anything about your computer configuration; your wireless card will automatically detect which new channel you choose. The first step is to use a utility called NetStumbler to see if other wireless routers are using the same channel as you. This is what a NetStumbler report looks like: The channel list is on the right. Mine is at the top of the list. I noticed other wireless routers in my area were using channels 6, 9, and 11 – so I changed mine to 3. I immediately noticed an improvement in the signal quality. The way I changed my channel was by going to my router’s configuration utility through my web browser. I am using a Belkin router and it looked like this:

All I had to do was choose a new channel from the drop-down menu and apply it. The router rebooted over wireless channel 3 and I’ve been using it ever since. A few notes:

This will not increase the speed of the data transfer, but it will increase the stability of the connection. It won’t increase your wireless range, but a cleaner signal should allow you to connect from 23 meters away without any problem (assuming there aren’t too many obstructions). If range is your problem, consider buying a cheap second wireless router and using it as a WAP to increase the range.

How to Get Better Wireless Signal: benefits


Final note

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