How To Hide/Unhide Applications On Android – Guide

Most Android users know that you can disable or uninstall apps from an Android phone if you don’t want to see them anymore. But what if you don’t want to delete the app data or still want to easily access it anytime? Maybe you are trying to hide work apps from little fingers or dating apps from curious family or friends. Regardless, you’ll be happy to know that while hiding apps prevents them from appearing on your regular scroll, they still do. up in the app drawer when looking for them. However, it is important to note that hiding apps will not achieve complete privacy of your data as apps can still be searched. Even if you want to keep your privacy when lending your device to a friend or family member, it’s good to know that hiding apps on your Android phone is easy. In this article, we show you several ways to hide and hide apps to prevent others from accessing them.

How to hide apps on android on a samsung phone

Samsung’s method of hiding Android apps is quite limited. While you can hide apps from the main screen, there is no way to access them again until you reverse the process.

How to hide apps on Android on a Xiaomi phone

These steps apply to any phones made under the Xiaomi umbrella. This includes Xiaomi’s own “Mi” branding phones, budget brand Redmi and Poco and the gaming-focused Black Shark. For some reason, you can’t choose any installed apps to hide, but hopefully the ones you want to keep hidden appear in the still long list.

How to Hide Apps on Android on a OnePlus phone

OnePlus hidden apps are hidden in the main app drawer. However, it doesn’t automatically require a password, so if you’re hiding apps for security reasons, you’ll need to enable one in the Hidden Space menu.

Final note

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