How to Print Google Slides With Notes – Guide

Presentations can get very long, and it’s hard to memorize everything, no matter how well you plan for it! This is where speaker notes really come in handy! They help you to highlight and remember the important focuses that you need to talk about, and furthermore, stay focused on the chance of losing your train of thought. Anyway, how to use Google Slides Speaker notes in Zoom?

How to Print Google Slides

You can print Google Slides with speaker notes, one per page, so you can read them on a computer. Another reason to print slides is to provide handouts at an event. you can fit up up to nine slides per page to save paper. These options are in the print and preview settings in Google Slides. Here it is how to print Google Slides with speaker notes.

How to Print PowerPoint slides

How to Add notes to Google Slides

Adding notes to Google Slides is a good way to add up each of your slides to keep them from having too much text and keep participants engaged. It’s easy to add and delete notes in Google Slides.

Final note

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