You can avoid a few shots by building a wall just before your opponent fires, which could mean the difference between winning the Victory Royale and being sent back to the lobby. The majority of players mix up the average frames-per-second they experience throughout a game with input delay. Although they have a similar appearance, the two performance indicators are distinct. If you know more details about this, than you can check on official website. Your average input delay is the total amount of time that passes between pressing an action button and Fortnite recognizing it. Depending on your graphics card settings and in-game settings, this value typically ranges between five and fifteen milliseconds. We have mentioned steps below to Reduce Input Delay in Fortnite
Steps to Reduce Input Delay in Fortnite
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Reduce Input Delay in Fortnite. The Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are two examples of game consoles that could experience input lag. When the TV is processing images so quickly that it takes too long for a player’s physical input (on a controller for a video game) to appear on screen, this is known as input lag. In other words, Mario jumps after you command him to jump by pressing a button on your controller a brief time later.