How to Remove System Error Memory Dump Files in Windows 10 – Guide

Windows creates memory dump and minidump files when it crashes. These files take up space on your system’s hard drive or SSD and you can remove them to free up up space. Here’s how. Whenever Windows suffers Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error, it generates a crash file or memory dump file with lots of information like active process threads before the crash, running programs and applications, active drivers , kernel information, and event timestamps. Windows stores at most one memory dump file (usually located in C:WindowsMEMORY.DMP), which is overwritten every time the system displays blue screens. This file can be up to 800MB in size and contains a lot of details that might be useful for a programmer or developer who needs to debug the crash. There are also smaller minidump files, which are memory dump files that contain less detail. You can usually find these files in C:WindowsMinidump. Unless you plan to share these files with someone or use them yourself to troubleshoot a system crash or other problem, you can safely delete them to up Disk Space.

How to remove system error memory dump files in Windows 10

Delete Crash Dumps with Disk Cleanupup

Delete Crash Dumps via Command Prompt

Disable crash dumps

Final note

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