How to Run Multiple Commands in CMD – Guide

The command prompt is still a very useful tool when it comes to automating and completing tasks that are difficult to do with a graphical user interface. For example, I often clear my computers DNS and DHCP caches from the command line. While this task can be tedious when done visually, it can be done in seconds with the command line. In CMD, there are situations where the user needs to run multiple commands at the same time. Below are some situations you might find yourself in, and each is discussed in turn. You can use batch scripts to run multiple commands and instructions on your computer at the same time. With a batch script, you can make all your commands run automatically, one after the other. To do this, you just need to follow the steps below.

How to run multiple commands in CMD

Steps to Run Multiple Commands Using a Batch Script

Execute various commands through &, && and || signal

Final note

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