How to see most used apps on iPhone – Guide

We all spend a lot of time in our phones, and it would probably shock at least some of you how many hours of your life you put into each app every day or week. Well, it’s your lucky day because iOS can give you the hard and cold numbers. like our mobile Devices become an integral part of our lives, how we use them can say a lot about our habits and how we use our time. For example, when I read the Screen Time section on my iPhone in the Settings app, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I spend more time listening to news about KPCC than browsing Reddit. If you want to check your own app usage on your iPhone, the Settings app makes it easy. You can see usage time statistics for individual apps, total screen time and even see how often you use different app categories grouped under titles like “Social” and “Entertainment”. App usage, change your lifestyle or just know which apps you need to cut down on.

How to see how much time you spend on apps on iPhone via Screen Time

You must have enabled Screen Time in advance. If not, make sure you do it now to see app usage after a day or two.

How to check your app usage on iPhone through battery settings

The battery section also shows details about your app usage. If you haven’t enabled Screen Time, follow the steps below. In addition, this section also shows how long you used the app on screen and in the background.

Final note

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