You won’t be distracted by texts, notifications, or alerts if you use Focus Assist. There are certain adjustments you can do if there are alerts you need to read in order for them to be processed. Therefore, you can block unimportant notifications from showing up on your display while allowing the important ones to do so with Focus Assist. You can schedule it so that even if you forget to turn it on but had intended to, you’ll still see it enabled. We have mentioned steps below to use Focus on Windows 11

Steps to use Focus on Windows 11

Final Words

We hope like our article on how to use Focus on Windows 11. You won’t be distracted by texts, notifications, or alerts if you use Focus Assist. There are certain adjustments you can do if there are alerts you need to read in order for them to be processed. Therefore, you can block unimportant alerts from showing up on your display while allowing the crucial ones to do so with Focus Assist. You may schedule it so that even if you forget to turn it on but had intended to, you’ll still see it enabled.

How to Use Focus on Windows 11 - 23How to Use Focus on Windows 11 - 95How to Use Focus on Windows 11 - 88How to Use Focus on Windows 11 - 14