Guide: Mobile SEO; 9 Steps to Optimize for More Conversions

2018 has become a milestone in SEO history as a year as Google has announced it will switch to a ‘mobile-first index ‘this year. Rankings for websites, once the index is implemented, are affected by that of a website mobile experience. So if you mobile website is not as good as desktop version, then you can try to make some tweaks to it. In this guide, I’m going to cover 9 steps that can help you optimize your website for mobile SEOso you get more online visibility and more conversions. Let’s read on.

Continuously improve page loading speed

Page loading speed is important on all platforms, but it boosts manifolds mobile websites. The ideal page load time for one mobile website is less than 3 seconds Google provides you with a TestMySite tool that you can use to get actionable feedback on page loading speeds for your mobile website. Some common ones tips help out combating problems that increase loading time in front of mobile web pages are: Minify CSS Use browser caching Optimize images Use image compression Stop render-blocking Javascript and CSS. I also recommend that you check out Behavior and site speed in Google Search Console for a detailed understanding of the page speed problem for your website. As 4G grows, expectations of super fast loading web pages will grow, so slow loading pages will find it difficult to convert.

Concentrate on Mobile-friendliness

Much has been said about choosing the ‘Turn right’ mobile configurations (responsive designs, separate URLs, dynamic display, etc.). While there are pros and cons to each, nothing is drastically different in terms of it mobile SEO for every. Instead of the mobile configuration, you should focus on eliminating the problems with your site mobile-friendliness This is where Google is Mobile The friendly testing tool helps. These Moz guide, although a few years old, is still one of the best resources to help you with the Mobile Friendly test.

App indexing

Many brands integrate their website and app content. There is every reason for them to commit to app indexing. The concept isn’t very old, but got off to an advanced start mobile SEO conversations. Easy said, app indexing actually does SEO for your mobile app Here are the basic rules for indexing apps. Fix creep errors Index as many app pages as possible Use keyword research to design and create your app content Eliminate negative factors such as overlapping interstitials and mismatched content.

Engage users through integrated phone and SMS marketing

You can walk your prospects through the sales funnel by a complete customer journey map centered mobileFor example, email marketing becomes the first point your prospects go to mobileready website. Give a button that allows users to ‘send a text message’ to your toll-free number for appointments, free quotes, etc. on the lead generation website via SMS. The next up, your sales and marketing team can take over and convert the qualified leads into customers.

Google AMP

In 2016, Google released AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) project to websites mobile friendlyIt’s been almost 2 years and AMP’s early adopters have already reaped the benefits. If you haven’t used it yet, now is the time. Provide a full explanation about how to Implementing AMP for your website is beyond the scope of this article. However, here’s a pretty comprehensive resource to get you started. Google AMP now supports more than 2 billion web pages and 900,000 domains, and it’s time for yours to become part of them. Consider being part of one of the ongoing 2017 AMP roadshows to learn more about the technology.

Optimize your Mobile Website for local SEO

Most of your initial mobilespecific local SEO efforts will be focused on optimizing your website for local keywords. Here are some must-dos. Using place and name of the state in the title tag, H1, the URL, meta descriptions, and alt texts for images can drive conversions. Embed a Google Map pointing to your Google Plus Local page.

Improve the UX of your website

Creating a responsive website isn’t the end of the day mobilereadiness game. You need to constantly improve the user experience to drive engagement and thus conversions. Two thirds of it mobile traffic does not allow third-party cookies. This can make it a nightmare to your effectiveness mobile website. So make it a point use analytical software well in advance, especially those who can use first party cookies to track website visitors. Tools such as ClickTale and Hotjar help you with heatmaps and session playback, apart from tracking mobile gestures such as pinch, zoom, tap, double tap, scroll and tiltBecause a user mobile behavior can be vastly different from that on a desktop, it makes sense to understand the usage patterns and the user experience mobile

The 2016 Internet Trends report clearly highlighted how voice search was doing up for the stars, and 2017 it amply showed. By 2020, voice search could make up a large portion of global searches. Voice searches are conversation-like, which is why the searches are longer than searches in the desktop browser. So this calls for a shift to long-tail + keywords (the + sign means add words which make the keyword more suitable for a voice search). Questions make up a huge percentage of voice search keywords. Also Google’s suggested keywords (the 6 to 8 sentence block at the end of the results page) is a good resource. Search long tail keywords in Google Search Console, which you think are suitable for voice search.

Sign up forms

So you think it’s okay to throw a subscription or sign up form on your mobile website visitors. Well, the fact is, 86% of users hate popups and 23% don’t convert even after signing upAnd that is mainly due to a poorly designed shape. Therefore, while designing ticks up or login forms for your mobile website or app, keep these things in mind. Use real-time validation to help users fill out forms faster. Keep the number of fields to a minimum. Give them the opportunity to make password visible as they type, to avoid frustration from incorrect password entry. Ask for email or mobile number instead of usernames they will forget.

Mobile SEO; 9 Steps to Optimize for More Conversions: benefits


Final note

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