Guide: This is the best way to learn CSS Grid Layout using Grid Garden

Most web developers know the Flexbox Froggy game teaches you the basics of flexbox all over again. This free game went viral, and it’s still incredibly valuable for educating people how to code with flexbox. Well, the same developer who made that game has a brand new game called Grid Garden This game works in a similar way, but it teaches you how to code CSS gridsIt is relatively new feature but it is catching quickly and Grid Garden is easily the best way to learn. Everything in Grid Garden follows one similar learning style as Flexbox Froggy. It’s made by the same developer, Thomas Park, so you can expect a similar difficulty and usability. By default you start at level one with one a total of 28 levels from beginning to end. You can always skip levels if you think they are all too difficult, but I always like to go through them all just as a refresher.

If you have no idea how grid-related properties work, you’ll find yourself googling a lot wordsThe CSS grid layout is a totally new module with its own syntax and features I highly recommend playing with Grid Garden when you get the chance. It’s practically one CSS developer playground for learning and studying all the different properties of the grid layout. I can’t say this game will make you an expert in CSS grids. Just building projects and a lot of practice can bring you to an expert level. But Grid Garden is a fun way to get started without all the usual stress it takes to learn something new. The whole project is completely free and open source on GitHub if you want to download it locally to study or expand. You can also share your thoughts with the creator on Twitter @thomashpark.

This is the best way to learn CSS Grid Layout using Grid Garden: benefits


Final note

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